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Sep 12, 2020 1:00 PM

How we value art - responses during the Covid 19 crisis

An online interactive panel discussion, focusing on artists’ experience under the current global Covid-19 pandemic.

An online interactive panel discussion, focusing on artists’ experience under the current global Covid-19 pandemic. You will hear the contributors share their lived experience in Japan, France and UK. There will also be time for the audience to ask questions and share their experiences.According to the UK government website, the creative industries contributed £111 billion to the UK economy in 2018, and its growth rate was five times faster than the UK economy as a whole. In recent weeks many TV programmes and online platforms have been exploring how art can help us during the lockdown. And yet, along with many other industries, artists are facing real difficulties as events and exhibitions are cancelled, postponed or placed online. Many artists are falling through the system, not able to access furlough or self-employment schemes.

In ArtAction UK’s How We Value Art event we will seek to discover how countries can demonstrate the value arts and culture by actively supporting those who contribute to their economy and wellbeing.  While some countries were quick to implement support structures, others were slower, displaying a lack of awareness. Without finger pointing, we will hear, compare and contrast the different experiences of artists and art organisations during this period of crisis and explore better ways to ensure the future of this vital sector.

Contributor: Nathalie Boobis (Deptford X, UK) Emiko Kasahara (Japan) Hanako Murakami ( France) Chiara Dazi (Germany), Chaired by Kaori Homma (UK)

Profile of Contributors

Emiko Kasahara

Artist, based in Tokyo, exhibiting internationally. Her works are in both public and private collections including Cantor Center for Visual Art, Stanford University, Palo Alto, U.S.A. , Deutsche Bank Tokyo, Japan, Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan

Ise Foundation, Tokyo, Japan Yves Klein Foundation, Arizona, U.S.A. Major Exhibitions includes PARASOPHIA Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015, Yokohama Triennale 2014. Studied at Tama University of Art and she is also lectures at Tama University of Arts.

Hanako Murakami

Artist, Lives and works in Paris, exhibiting internationally. Studied at Tokyo Univertity of the Arts, Japan and Le Fresnoy, studio national d'art contemporain, France and works at Beaux-Arts de Paris. Exhibition Include, Criterium 96, Art Tower Mito, Japon, CONCEPTION, Prix Louis Roderer, Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, France  Pelliculis Pellicula, le Bonnevalle , Noisy le Sec, France Daiichi Life gallery, Tokyo, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo

2016   The Perfect, Maison de la Culture du Japon, ParisLa Photographie à l'épreuve de l'abstraction, FRAC Normandie Rouen, France, Her work is in collection of Pigozzi Collection.

Nathalie Boobis

Curator and Director of Deptford X festival, lives and works in London. Gained an MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths College, University of London. She has managed one of the most successful editions of Deptford X Festival in 2019 with extensive programmes which included over 90 fringe projects, as well as commissioned major site specific projects. Deptford X is London’s longest running contemporary visual arts festival. It was launched in 1998 as a free, annual, artist-led festival based in and around Deptford, South East London.

Chiara Dazi

Documentary photographer based in Berlin. Born in the Italian Po valley, studied languages and received a degree in Communication Sciences at the Università di Bologna with a thesis on the German Ostalgie, or nostalgia for the former GDR. She has worked in the archive of VU' agency in Paris and then graduated from the Berlin Ostkreuz School of Photography, widely exhibited in France, Germany and the Republic of Moldova.